[The main events in the biography of Sheikh Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi.]
Some of the sheikhs of the greatest Sheikh Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi

Through his authorization that he wrote to King Muzaffar Al-Ayyubid
See the implementation of this authorization in the new edition of The Book of the Maghrib Sun
1. - Among our sheikhs (the first) is Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Safi Al-Lakhmi (Al-Ishbili, deceased). In the year 585 AH), may God Almighty have mercy on him (Sheikh Al-Akbar mentioned him in the Meccan conquests [vol. 1, p. 331, 425, 649, vol. 4, p. 550] And in the Holy Spirit and elsewhere, he used to recite to him in his well-known mosque. In the arch of the apse in Seville in the year 578 AH, as we explained in Section 2.2.10 of the first part).
I read to him the Holy Qur’an with the seven recitations, and the book “Al-Kafi” By Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Sharih Al-Ra'ini, the reciter in the doctrines of the seven famous reciters, and he narrated it to me on the authority of the author's son Abi Al-Hasan Shurayh Al-Ra’ini, on the authority of his father, the author (Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Shurayh Al-Ra’ini, He died in the year 476 AH).
2. - Among our sheikhs, also in the Qur’an, is Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Rahman bin Ghalib al-Sharrat (Al-Ansari), from the people of Cordoba (he died there in the year 586 AH). I also read the Qur’an to him from the book The aforementioned (i.e. “Al-Kafi”), and he also told me about it, on the authority of the author’s son, Abi Al-Hasan Shurayh, on the authority of his father. The author is Muhammad bin Shurayh Al-Muqri.
3. - Among our sheikhs is Judge Abu Muhammad Abdullah (bin Muhammad bin Issa) Al-Tadali (Al-Fasi), Judge of Fez (he died in Meknesa in the year 597 AH), may God have mercy on him. He also told me about the book “Insight into The Seven Doctrines of Reciters", by Abu Muhammad Makki bin Talib Al-Muqri, on the authority of Abu Bahr Sufyan bin The judge, on behalf of the author, also included all of Makki’s compositions, and gave me a general license.
4. -And among our sheikhs (Sheikh Imam Al-Muammar, the hadith jurist, and Musnad Al-Maghrib) Judge Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmed (bin Abdul Malik bin Musa bin Abdul Malik bin Walid) bin Abi Jamra (Al-Andalusi Al-Mursi, who died in the year 599 AH), may God have mercy on him. I heard from him the book “Al-Taysir fi The doctrine of the seven readers By my father Amr Othman bin Saeed Al-Dani Al-Muqri, he told me about it on the authority of his father, on the authority of The author, with all the texts of Al-Dani, granted me a general license.
5. - Among our sheikhs is Judge Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Saeed bin Zarqoun Al-Ansari (deceased In Seville in the year 586 AH), I heard the book “Al-Taqsī” from him (of what is in the Muwatta from the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him). May God bless him and grant him peace.”, by Abu Omar Yusuf bin Abd al-Barr al-Numairi al-Shatibi, and he narrated it to me on the authority of my father. Imran Musa bin Abi Bakir, on the authority of the author and in all his compositions, such as: "Al-Istikhar (the collection of doctrines) The jurists of the regions and the scholars of the countries)" And “the introduction (to the meanings and supports in Muwatta)” And "absorption (in knowing the companions)" And “Selection (On the Virtues of the Three Imams and Jurists),” He granted me a general license and allowed me to narrate all of his narratives from him.
6. - Among our sheikhs is the hadith scholar Abu Muhammad Abd al-Haqq (bin Muhammad) bin Abd al-Rahman bin Abdullah (bn Al-Hussein bin Saeed) Al-Azdi Al-Ishbili (known as Ibn Al-Kharrat, who died in Bejaia in the year 581 AH) E), may God have mercy on him. He told me about all his works on hadith, and gave me one of their names: "Instruction." The Beginner " And "minor rulings" And "the major" And "central" And the book “Tahajjud” And the book “The Consequence”, He composed and prose it, and told me about the book of Imam Abu Muhammad Ali bin Ahmed bin Hazm on the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Shuraih. Bin Muhammad bin Shurayh on his authority.
7. - Among our sheikhs (Jamal al-Din Abu al-Qasim) is Abd al-Samad bin Muhammad bin Abi al-Fadl bin (Ali). Bin Abdul Wahid Al-Ansari Al-Dimashqi) Al-Haristani (Imam, Mufti, Musnad Al-Sham, Sheikh Al-Islam, Chief Justice, who died in the year 614 AH), I heard “Sahih Muslim” on it; Tell me about it Al-Farawi, on the authority of Abdul Ghafer Al-Farsi (and in the margin: Al-Qari), on the authority of Al-Jaloudi, on the authority of Ibrahim Al-Marwazi on the authority of Muslim, and he granted me a general permit.
8. - Among our sheikhs (Jamal al-Din, Abu Muhammad, and Abu al-Hasan) are Yunus bin Yahya bin Abi al-Hasan (bin Abi Al-Barakat bin Ahmed bin Ubaidullah bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Hamza bin Ismail) Al-Abbasi Al-Hashimi (known as Al-Qassar Al-Baghdadi), a resident of Mecca (where he died in the year 608 AH, and was buried With the Almighty), I heard many books on hadith and subtleties from him. Including “Sahih Al-Bukhari”, he told me With it on the authority of Abu al-Waqt (who is: Abd al-Awwal ibn Isa ibn Shuaib al-Sijzi, which he concluded The chain of transmission of Sahih Al-Bukhari) on the authority of Al-Dawoodi, on the authority of Al-Hamawi, on the authority of Al-Farbari, on the authority of Al-Bukhari.
(Sheikh Muhyiddin met him in Mecca when he came there from Andalusia, and dressed him The Qadiriya rag, which he wore from the relief leader Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, who He was also one of his masters, and then he became one of his prominent successors, may God be pleased with them all. He mentioned it Sheikh Al-Akbar in the Meccan Conquests: Part 1, p. 32, Part 2, p. 338, 348, 408, Part 4, p. 524, and in a lecture The righteous, and others.)
9. - Among our worthy sheikhs is Abu Shuja’ (the reciter), Zahir Ibn Rustam (Ibn Abi Raja), Al-Asbahani. (Originally, Al-Baghdadi, born in the year 526 AH, and died in Dhul-Qi’dah in the year 609 AH), Imam Maqam; I heard the book “(Sunan) Al-Tirmidhi” on it. Abu Issa, he told me about it on the authority of Al-Karukhi (on the authority of) Al-Awarji, on the authority of Al-Jarahi, on the authority of Al-Mahboubi, on the authority of Al-Tirmidhi, and he granted me a general authorization.
(The greatest sheikh also narrated on the authority of his elderly, scholarly sister, the sheikha of Hijaz, Fakhr al-Nisa’ bint Rustam, and married his daughter “Nizam” In which he wrote “The Interpreter of Longings,” as we mentioned in the section 4.5.1 of Part One.)
10. - Among our sheikhs is Al-Burhan (i.e. Burhan al-Din, Abu al-Futuh) Nasr bin (Abu al-Faraj Muhammad) Ibn Ali (Ibn) Al-Husri (died in 619 AH), imam of the Hanbali shrine in Mecca, may God protect it. Come here; I heard many books on him, including “Al-Sunan” By Abu Dawud Ibn Ash`ath al-Sijistani, he told me It is narrated on the authority of Abu Jaafar bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Al-Samnani (Judge of Mosul), and he died in it in the year 444 AH), on the authority of Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali bin Thabit Al-Khatib, on the authority of Abu Omar Al-Qasim bin Jaafar bin Abdul Wahed Al-Hashimi Al-Basri, (on the authority of) Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Omar Al-Lu’lui, on the authority of Abu Dawud, He granted me a general license, and told me about the books of Ibn Thabit al-Khatib on the authority of Abu Ja`far al-Sijistani.
11. - And from our sheikhs, Salem bin Rizq Allah Al-Afriqi, I heard about him, “The teacher of the benefits of Muslim.” For Al-Mazari. He told me about it, and about all of his works and compositions, and gave me a general permit.
(We did not find any translation by Sheikh Salem bin Rizq Allah Al-Afriqi).
12. - Among our sheikhs is Muhammad bin Abi Al-Walid bin Ahmed bin Shibl (and in the Princeton edition: "Ibn Sunbul"), The correct one is: the philosopher Ibn Rushd, the grandson, Abu Al-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Ahmed bin Rushd, who died in the year 595 AH), I read to him many of his works, and he gave me a book "The end of the diligent and the sufficiency of the thrifty" In Sharia rulings, from his compilations.
(This aforementioned book remained in the possession of Sheikh Muhyiddin until his death, then his son inherited it from him Saad al-Din, who gave it to Sheikh Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi, and it became part of his library preserved in Konya. He documented this gift on the manuscript in his handwriting in the year 641 AH. It should be noted that This title was mentioned in the original Ijaza manuscripts in the form of three titles: "Nihayat al-Mujtahid." His book is “The Purpose and Legal Rulings,” but it is one book as we mentioned. Sheikh Mohi mentioned Religion, the incident of his meeting with the philosopher Ibn Rushd in Cordoba, in the Meccan Conquests: Part 1, p. 153. And with We do not know exactly when this meeting took place, but it was shortly after the entry Sheikh Muhyiddin followed the path of Sufism, and he was not more than twenty years old, that is, before the year 580 AH. He described himself at that time as being still a boy, with neither a thin face nor a long moustache We mentioned it in Section 2.5.2 of Part One.)
13. - Among our sheikhs is Abu Abdullah bin Issoun (and in the Dhahiriyya and Princeton versions: Ibn Issa, We did not find a translation for it. He told me the book of Judge Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Maafari, on his behalf, granted me a general leave.
14. - And from our sheikhs, Abu Al-Wa’il Ibn Al-Arabi, I heard from him “Siraj Al-Muhtadin” (in Adab). The righteous)" By Judge (Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah) Ibn Al-Arabi (Al-Maafiri, who died in the year 543 AH), his cousin told me about it, and gave me a general leave.
15. - Among our sheikhs is Abu Saad Abdullah bin Omar bin Ahmed bin Mansour (bin Muhammad bin Qasim bin Habib Ibn) Al-Saffar (Al-Naysaburi, who died in the year 600 AH), told me about Al-Wahidi’s books, in writing. On the authority of Abdullah Al-Jabbar bin Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Hawari, on his authority (i.e. on the authority of the author).
16. - Among our sheikhs is Abu Al-Thana Mahmoud bin (Abi Mansour) Al-Muzaffar (bin Abi Taher Ahmed) Al-Labban (the reciter of Mosul, who died there in the year 605 AH), narrated to me the books of Ibn Khamis, on his authority, He told me about the books of Al-Humaydi, on the authority of Ibn Khamis, on the authority of Al-Humaydi.
17. - Among them is (Abu al-Futuh) Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad (bin Amruk al-Qurashi al-Taymi) al-Bakri (Al-Naysaburi Al-Sufi, who died in the year 615 AH), I heard “Al-Qushayri’s message” from him, and he told me about it. On the authority of Abu Al-As'ad Abd al-Rahman and Abd al-Wahid ibn Abd al-Karim ibn Hawazin al-Qushayri, on the authority of his grandfather Abd Al-Karim bin Hawazin Al-Qushayri, the author, gave me a general license.
18. - Among them is (Abu Ahmed) Diya al-Din Abdul Wahhab bin Ali bin Ali (bin Ubaidullah) bin Sakina (Al-Baghdadi the Sufi, who died in 607 AH), Sheikh of Sheikhs in Baghdad. He gave me leave In general, it was taken from me, and it was taken from him. He told me, written by Abd al-Karim bin Hawazin al-Qushayri, on the authority of his son Abd al-Wahhab, on his authority, and I heard about his bond in the city of Salam (in Baghdad), in the presence of his son Abd Al-Razzaq.
19. - Among our sheikhs is Abu Al-Khair Ahmad bin Ismail bin Yusuf (bin Muhammad bin Al-Abbas) Al-Talqani Al-Qazwini (who died in 590 AH), told me, compiled by Al-Bayhaqi, on the authority of Muhammad (bin Al-Fadl bin Ahmad) Ibn Al-Farawi, on the authority of Al-Bayhaqi, and he granted me a general license.
(Al-Sheikh Al-Akbar also mentioned it in the book “Musamarat Al-Akhyr” and “The Lecture of Al-Abrar”: Part 1, p. 15).
20. - Among them is Abu Al-Tahir Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ahmed (bin Muhammad) bin Ibrahim Al-Salafi (bin Salafah) Al-Isbahani (who lived in Alexandria for more than sixty years and died there in the year 576 AH), may God have mercy on him. God. He granted me a general license, and he narrated on the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Shurayh bin Muhammad bin Shurayh Al-Ra’ini The reciter. And also from among those who gave me general permission and wrote for me to narrate the books of Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami from him, He told me about it on the authority of Muhammad bin Nassar Al-Thaqafi, on his authority (that is, on the authority of the author).
21. - Among our sheikhs are (Abu al-Walid) Jabir (bin Muhammad bin Nam) bin (Abi) Ayyub (Sulaiman bin Nam) Al-Hadrami (Al-Ishbili, who died there in the year 596 AH), and granted me a general leave, and he narrated On the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Shurayh bin Muhammad bin Shurayh Al-Ra’ini Al-Muqri [*], and (on the authority of) Al-Hafiz Al-Kabir Ibn Asakir, who is (Abu) Al-Qasim Ali bin Al-Hasan bin Hibat Allah bin Abdullah bin Al-Hasan Al-Shafi’i, Author of "The History of Damascus".
([*] Here there is an error that occurred in all the copies, which confirms that they were all copied from the original. One is incorrect, because we find the word "reciter" In the Coperlo version I wrote it wrong then It was corrected, then we find in the margin the phrase “The reciter and among those who granted me a general license is Muhammad bin Saeed bin Muhammad Al-Qazwini,” then in the rest of the copies we find that this margin was placed in place of the word “the reciter.” in Origin of text; The meaning became that Sheikh Muhyiddin received approval from the great Hafiz Ibn Soldiers, and this is unlikely to rule out a meeting between them, as Al-Hafiz Al-Kabir died in Damascus in the year 571 AH, and at that time Ibn al-Arabi was in Seville and he was eleven years old. Then we find after one line The phrase "He is Al-Qasim bin Ali..." It is the full name of Al-Hafiz Ibn Asakir. So we did By submitting this line as an appendix explaining the name of Ibn Asakir, as shown above, and our situation The Sheikh mentioned in the margin afterwards is as follows:)
22. - Among those who granted me a general permit was Muhammad bin Saeed (and some versions: bin Ismail) bin Muhammad Al-Qazwini.
(We did not find a translation for it).
23. - Among them is Abu Al-Qasim Khalaf (bin Abdul Malik) bin Bashkwal (Al-Khazraji Al-Ansari). Al-Qurtubi, who died in the year 578 AH).
24. - Among them is Yusuf bin Al-Hasan bin Abi Al-Baqa bin Al-Hasan (Al-Aquli Al-Baghdadi, who died in the year 587 AH).
25. His brother (Ahmad) Abu Al-Abbas also granted me permission (he died in the year 608 AH).
26. - Among them is Abu al-Qasim Zakir bin Kamil bin Ghalib al-Khafaf (died in 591 AH).
27. - Among them is (Abu al-Fadl al-Hanafi) Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Ali al-Ghaznawi (died in the year 599 AH).
28. - Among them is Abu Al-Tahir (Ismail bin Makki bin Issa) bin Awf (Al-Zuhri, deceased). In Alexandria in the year 581 AH).
29. - Among them is Abu Talib (Ahmad bin Al-Muslim bin Raja) Al-Lakhmi, in Alexandria (and he died there In the year 578 AH).
30. - Among them is Abu Hafs Omar bin Abdul Majeed bin Omar bin Hassan bin Omar bin Ahmed Al-Qurashi Al-Mayanshi (Sheikh of the Holy Mosque in Mecca, where he died in the year 581 AH).
31. - Among them is Abu Al-Faraj Abdul Rahman bin Ali (bin Muhammad) Ibn Al-Jawzi Al-Hafiz (Al-Qurashi). Al-Tamimi Al-Bakri, who died in Baghdad in the year 597 AH), wrote for me a narration with all its combinations and arrangements. And his prose, and he named some of his books for us “The Characteristics of the Elite” and “The Motivator of Resolving Determination to the Noblest of Residences.” And so on.
32. - Among them is Abu Bakr bin Abi Al-Fath Al-Sijistani.
(We did not find its translation).
33. - Among them is (Abu Muhammad) Al-Mubarak bin Ali (bin Abdullah bin Muhammad) bin Al-Hussein Al-Tabbakh (Al-Baghdadi, who died in 575 AH).
34. - Among them is (Abu Al-Qasim) Abdul Rahman (bin Abdullah) bin Al-Ustad, known as Ibn Alwan (Al-Halabi, where he died in the year 623 AH).
35. - Among them is Abdul Jalil Al-Zanjani.
(We did not find its translation).
36. - Among them is Abu Al-Qasim (also: Abu Al-Abbas), Hibatullah (Ahmad), Ibn Ali Ibn Masoud Ibn Shaddad al-Mawsili (the reciter, al-Saffar, was born in Mosul in the year 545 AH and lived in Aleppo, where he died. He mentioned Sheikh Al-Akbar said about the conquests that he narrated to him in Mosul in the year 611 AH [vol. 4, p. 549]).
37. - Among them is Ahmed bin Abi Mansour (perhaps Abu Al-Abbas Al-Asbahani, Ahmed bin Abi Mansour Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman bin Al-Zabarqan, born in the year 500 AH and died in the year 591 E).
38. - Among them (Abu Abdullah) Muhammad bin Abi Al-Ma’ali Abdullah bin Mawhib bin Jami’ bin Abdoun al-Baghdadi al-Sufi, known as Ibn al-Banna (he is one of the companions of Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi, He died in the year 612 AH in the Samisatiya Khanqah in Damascus.
39. - Among them is Muhammad bin Abi Bakr al-Tusi.
(We did not find its translation).
40. - Among them is (Abu Nasr al-Khayyat) al-Muhadhdhab ibn Ali ibn Hibatullah (known as Ibn Qunaidah). Al-Azji, the blind doctor (died in 626 AH).
41. - Among them is Rukn al-Din Ahmad bin Abdullah (who is the famous hadith scholar, Musnad al-Asr, orator Mosul, who died in 578 AH, Abu al-Fadl) bin Ahmed bin Abdul Qahir (bin Hisham) al-Tusi Al-Khatib.
(In the last chapter of the conquests, Sheikh Al-Akbar mentioned his famous commandment to recite Al-Fatihah The book includes its basmalah in one breath without interruption, and that is based on a hadith he heard in the city of Mosul In the year 601 AH, Abu Al-Hasan narrated it to him on the authority of Ibn Abi Al-Fath, whose father is known as Al-Kanari, on the authority of Abu Al-Fadl Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abdul Qaher Al-Tusi Al-Khatib, who is the father of the sheikh who approved it Here.)
42. - And his brother Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah (bin Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abdul Qahir al-Tusi Al-Khatib.
43. - Among them is Al-Aryani in Baghdad (and here is an unclear sentence that can be interpreted:) He was transported in safes Al-Ansari.
44. - Among them (Al-Muhadhdhab) Thabit bin Anbar Al-Halwi, he read to me from his books, I mean from his compositions, A sentence and endow it in its corner in the Al-Imad bin Al-Haddous Mosque in Mosul.
(Sheikh Al-Akbar also mentioned it in the book “Musamarat Al-Akhyr” and “Lecture of Al-Abrar”: Part 2, p. 219).
45. - Among them is (Imam, scholar and hadith scholar, Hafiz Abu Muhammad) Abdul Aziz (bin Abi Nasr Mahmoud Bin Al-Mubarak Bin Mahmoud Al-Janabdi Al-Baghdadi, known as (Ibn Al-Akhdar) who died in Baghdad In the year 611 AH).
46. - Among them is Abu Omar Othman bin Abi Ya’la bin Abi Omar Al-Abhari Al-Shafi’i, from the sons of (i.e One of the descendants of the Companion) Al-Baraa Ibn Azib (Al-Ansari, who died in the year 72 AH.
(But we did not find a translation by Sheikh Abi Omar.)
47. - Among them are Arabshah bin Muhammad bin Abi Al-Ma’ali (Al-Alawi Al-Tanukhi and Al-Khabushani, and it has been reported He was mentioned in the book “Musamarat Al-Akhyr” and “Lecture of Al-Abrar”: Part 2, p. 99, and in Al-Futuhaat Al-Makkiyah: Part 1. p. 223).
48. Among them is Abdul Hamid bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abi Al-Rashid Al-Qazwini (he was mentioned in The book “The Conversation with the Good and the Lecture of the Righteous”: Part 1, p. 11).
49. - Among them is (Abu) Al-Najib Haider Al-Qazwini (who was mentioned in the book “Musamarat Al-Akhyar”. And Al-Abrar’s lecture: Part 1, p. 17).
50. - Among them is (Abu Abdullah) Muhammad (bin Qasim) bin Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Karim Al-Tamimi Al-Fasi (died in 603 AH), read all his works to me.
(He is the author of the book “Al-Mustafid fi Manaqib Al-Ibad in the city of Fez and the surrounding countries,” and he has Sheikh Muhyiddin accompanied him during his frequent visits to Morocco, as mentioned in Section 3.5.2 From the first part).
51. - Among them is (Sheikh Hadith Munjib Al-Din) Abu Al-Hasan Ali bin Ubaidullah bin Al-Hasan Al-Razi (the author of the book Al-Fahrist, and he was one of the sons of Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Babawayh, and he was alive for a year 585 AH).
52. - Among them is Ahmed bin Mansour bin Al-Jawzi.
(We did not find its translation).
53. - Among them is Abu Ishaq Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Ali.
(We did not find its translation).
54. - Among them is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Hajri.
(We did not find its translation).
55. Among them is Abu Al-Sabr Ayoub (bin Abdullah) bin Ahmed (bin Muhammad bin Omar) Al-Fihri (Al-Sabti, who died in 609 AH).
56. - Among them is Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ubaid Al-Salashki Ibn Malik. He told me about the Maqamat Al-Hariri, on the authority of Its classifier.
(We did not find its translation).
57. - Among them is Abd al-Wadud bin Samhun, the judge of al-Munakab (who died in the year 608 AH, and al-Munakab A coastal city south of Granada was the first foothold of Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhel when he entered Andalusia).
58. - Among them is (Abu Muhammad) Abdul Moneim (bin Muhammad bin Abdul Rahim bin Saeed bin Hisham) bin Al-Qurashi Al-Khazraji (Al-Ansari, Al-Maliki judge, Al-Gharnati, famous as Ibn Al-Faras, and deceased Year 597 AH)
59. - Among them is Ali bin Abdul Wahed bin Jami’ al-Najjar (perhaps Ali bin Abdullah bin Jami’, The one from whom Sheikh Muhyi al-Din wore the Khidr rag in Mosul in the year 601 AH, and he mentioned it in the conquests. Mecca: Part 1, p. 187).
60. - Among them is Abu Bakr bin Hussein, judge of Murcia.
(We did not find its translation).
61. - Among them is (the preacher and scholar of Cordoba) Abu Jaafar (Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim) bin Yahya. Al-Wazghi (Al-Himyari, Al-Kutami, Al-Qurtubi, who died in 610 AH).
62. - Among them is (Sheikh Imam Al-Muammar, reciter of the era, Abu Al-Hasan) Ali (bin Muhammad bin Ali) Ibn Hudhayl (Al-Balansi, who died in 564 AH, and perhaps the first to learn from Ibn Al-Arabi The Qur’an was at his hands, knowing that Murcia, where he spent the first eight years of his life, Very close to Valencia, where Sheikh Abu Al-Hassan lived, about whom he said Ibn Al-Abar: He was unconnected in virtue, asceticism, and piety... He ended up as the head of the Iqra’ For his excellence and leadership in Tajweed and mastery.)
63. - Among them is Abu Zaid (Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abi Al-Hassan bin Hussein bin Saadoun bin Radwan bin Futuh Al-Khathami) Al-Suhayli (who died in the year 581 AH), narrated to me “Al-Rawd” The above mentioned explanation of the biography (of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham), “Al-Ma’arif”, and “Al-I’lam (which is the definition) And the proper nouns are the most obscure of the Qur’an,” and all its combinations, including “Hilyah.” The noble is in opposition to) what is in the path.”
64. - Among them is Abu Abdullah (Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Khalaf) Ibn Al-Najjar Al-Maliki (Al-Andalusi, He is also known as “Ibn Al-Fakhar”, the hadith scholar (Hafiz, companion of judge Abu Bakr bin Al-Arabi, He was an imam known for narrating texts and chains of transmission, and knowledgeable about men and language. He was requested by the Sultan. To hear from him in Marrakesh, he died there in Shaban in the year 590 AH at the age of eighty.
65. - Among them is Abu Al-Hasan (Ibn) Al-Sayegh (from the descendants of Abu Ayyub) Al-Ansari (the ascetic hadith narrator). In Ceuta, as mentioned by Sheikh Al-Akbar in Al-Futuhaat Al-Makkiyah: vol. 2, p. 528, vol. 3, p. 334, and we mentioned it. In Section 3.1.7 of Part One).
66. - Among them is (Abu Muhammad) Abd al-Jalil (Ibn Musa al-Qasri, who died in the year 591 AH), author "The Problem in the Hadith","The People of Faith".
67. Among them is Abu Abdullah (Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah) bin Al-Mujahid (Al-Ansari). Al-Andalusi, the ascetic of Al-Andalus, and the reciter jurist, who died in the year 574 AH, and was mentioned by Sheikh He was the greatest in the Meccan conquests and in the Holy Spirit, and from him he learned to hold oneself accountable and restrain one’s thoughts.
68. - Among them is Abu Imran Musa (bin Al-Hussein bin Musa), Ibn Imran Al-Murtli (Al-Qaisi, He died in Fez in the year 604 AH. He was one of the educated sheikhs who had a great influence on the sheikh Muhyi al-Din, as we mentioned in Section 2.4.4 of Part One, was mentioned often by Sheikh al-Akbar In the Meccan conquests, the Holy Spirit, and others).
69. - Among them is Hajj Muhammad bin Ali bin Ahmed bin Rahab Abi Al-Rabi’ Al-Muqawmi.
(We did not find its translation).
70. - Among them is Ali bin Al-Nadran.
(We did not find its translation).
Were it not for the fear of boredom and lack of time, we would have mentioned those whom we heard and those we met and read. By God The conciliator.
For more about the biography of Sheikh Muhyiddin and his doctrine, please Visit the Sun of Morocco website.